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Colour the way home

The software I used.

- Unreal engine

- Maya




-Coordinates and pivot points should be centred and placed correctly otherwise this can cause issues for the implementation in the engine.


- It's important to differentiate between areas to keep it from becoming one big picture. Areas should be different to create a variating game 


Global game jam 2019 a feeling of home


Colour the way home is a game project that came out of a study trip to this hackathon. As developers, our role was to produce a game that represents our feeling of home and finish the development within 48 hours.

Stress vs time to rest


The developer's team answer to the question of “what's the feeling of home” was that we found that is a place to rest down we made this into a platforming game experience in which you play a little girl who became lost going down the mountain and she needs to go back al the way on the top by

using her colour vision to see paths that aren't there without it.

3D environment artist


Within the project, I took the role of 3d environment artist upon me my role was building assets like mountain pieces, houses and pathway objects, and any other environment based assets. that can then be used by our game designer into a strategically

placed level design. At the beginning of the development process, the designer got excited about my pulsing glow texture for every asset eventually we combined this texture with a

premade cell shading post-processing cell shading outline to create a pulsing line art around the edges (as you can see in the on the rocks for example)

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